Leng Review Portal

Welcome to the evidence collection portal for the Leng Review, led by the National Enquiry Research Group (NERG). Your input is vital to provide a balanced, evidence-driven understanding of the role and impact of Medical Associate Professionals (MAPs). This process aims to collect data in a neutral, rigorous manner to ensure the Leng Review is informed by real-world experiences and validated evidence.

Four Arms of Study

We are gathering evidence across the following four key areas:

  1. Patient Access Arm
    • Focus: Evaluating how MAPs influence patient flow, waiting times, and access to care.
    • Evidence Needed:
      • Quality Improvement Projects (QIPs) conducted by MAPs.
      • Patient flow data assessing MAP contributions.
      • Business case documents evaluating MAP implementation.
      • Patient feedback questionnaires (templates available for download).
  2. Patient Safety Arm
    • Focus: Understanding how MAPs support and maintain patient safety standards.
    • Evidence Needed:
      • Clinical audits or patient outcome audits.
      • Safety data comparing pre- and post-implementation of MAPs.
      • 30-day patient safety representation audits (template available for download).
  3. Patient Protection Arm
    • Focus: Highlighting specific cases where MAPs have played a direct role in safeguarding patient outcomes.
    • Evidence Needed:
      • Case studies detailing incidents where MAPs intervened to prevent harm or enhance patient safety.
      • Submissions should include no identifiable details of patients, or the colleagues concerned and will be anonymised prior to submission in regards to the professional who submitted it to us. 
      • Submissions should include identifiable details for validation purposes and will be anonymised prior to submission to the Leng Review.
      • These case studies will not attribute blame but will explore the potential impact if MAPs had not been present.
  4. Colleague Impact Arm
    • Focus: Exploring how MAPs contribute to team dynamics and professional development within multidisciplinary settings.
    • Evidence Needed:
      • Supervisor case studies (online forms available for primary and secondary care).
      • Feedback surveys on MAP-led teaching and multidisciplinary team engagement.
      • Examples of MAPs providing support to junior doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.
  5. Awards / Commendations
    • Focus: showcasing individual or team achievements and successes
    • Evidence needed:
      • trust/practice-specific commendations or awards
      • national prizes, competition submissions etc
      • ⁠documents highlighting MAP success

IMPORTANT: Do not include any patient or colleague identifiable information. Submissions must be anonymised. Any submissions containing identifiable information will be deleted immediately. Your information will be anonymised by the NERG team prior to inclusion and is for data validation purposes only.

Available Resources

To facilitate submissions, we have prepared a series of online forms and downloadable templates. These resources are designed to standardise data collection and ensure robust validation.

Online Forms

AA Case Study

Colleague Impact Arm

AA Supervisor Case Study

Colleague Impact Arm

PA Case Study

Colleague Impact Arm

PA Supervisor Case Study (Primary Care)

Colleague Impact Arm

PA Supervisor Case Study (Secondary Care)

Colleague Impact Arm

Patient Feedback Questionnaire

Patient Access Arm

Colleague Feedback Questionnaire

Patient Access Arm

AA Case Study

Colleague Impact Arm

AA Supervisor Case Study

Colleague Impact Arm

PA Case Study

Colleague Impact Arm

PA Supervisor Case Study (Primary Care)

Colleague Impact Arm

PA Supervisor Case Study (Secondary Care)

Colleague Impact Arm

Patient Feedback Questionnaire

Patient Access Arm

Colleague Feedback Questionnaire

Patient Access Arm

Downloadable Forms & Files

AA Patient Feedback Questionnaire

Patient Access Arm

PA Patient Feedback Questionnaire

Patient Access Arm

Clinical Notes Audit Template

Patient Safety Arm

Patient Safety Audit (30-day representation)

Patient Safety Arm

Additional Evidence Requests

In addition to structured forms, we encourage submissions of the following evidence types via the Evidence Submission Form:

  • Patient Access Arm:
    • Business case documents or patient flow data assessing MAP impact.
    • Quality Improvement Projects (QIPs) demonstrating MAP contributions.
  • Patient Safety Arm:
    • Pre-existing clinical audits or patient outcome audits.
    • Safety evaluations comparing pre- and post-implementation of MAPs.
  • Patient Protection Arm:
    • Case studies of incidents where MAPs directly safeguarded patients from harm.
    • These submissions will undergo anonymisation before review distribution.
  • Colleague Impact Arm:
    • Teaching feedback surveys and examples of MAP-led support within multidisciplinary teams.
  • Unpublished Research:
    • PhD theses, dissertations, or other unpublished studies that have been suppressed due to the the national discourse and targeted personal attacks.

Submission Process

How to Submit Evidence:

  1. Validation Information:
    • Provide your full name and contact email.
    • Verify your submission using your GMC number, MVR number, or work email address.
  2. Select Your Research Arm:
    • Indicate the arm of study your evidence relates to (e.g., Patient Safety Arm).
  3. Provide Evidence Details:
    • Include the title and author of the document or data.
    • Upload your file via the secure upload field.
  4. Consent for Distribution:
    • Grant permission for your submission to be shared with the Leng Review and used by NERG for audit and governance purposes.

Submit your evidence using our Evidence Submission Form below or email us at leng.review@map-congress.org.uk if you have any questions.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.

Why Your Contribution Matters

Your evidence will help:

  • Build an unbiased, comprehensive picture of MAPs’ contributions to healthcare.
  • Highlight areas where MAPs have positively impacted patient safety, access, and professional development.
  • Provide data to counter misinformation and elevate the discussion to an evidence-based level.

Together, we can ensure the Leng Review receives an accurate, impartial, and data-driven perspective of the role MAPs play in the healthcare system. Thank you for your commitment to this vital initiative!

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